The information requested, relating to England and Wales for 2004, the latest year for which final court sentencing figures are published, is contained in the table. Final statistics for 2005 are due for publication towards the end of January.
Magistrates courts The Crown court Month Immediate custody Fully suspended sentence Percentage suspended Immediate custody Fully suspended sentence Percentage suspended January 5,385 99 1.8 3,663 134 3.5 February 5,435 96 1.7 3,837 123 3.1 March 5,958 120 2.0 4,411 132 2.9 April 5,150 76 1.5 4,008 119 2.9 May 4,824 97 2.0 3,475 128 3.6 June 5,115 96 1.8 3,544 132 3.6 July 5,160 125 2.4 3,945 124 3.0 August 4,974 108 2.1 3,287 112 3.3 September 5,098 141 2.7 3,545 128 3.5 October 5,031 119 2.3 3,877 135 3.4 November 5,041 123 2.4 4,017 166 4.0 December 4,213 100 2.3 3,329 122 3.5 Total 2004 61,384 1,300 2.1 44,938 1,555 3.3 Note: Although care is taken in collating and analysing the returns used to compile these figures, the data are of necessity subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large-scale recording system. Consequently, although figures are shown to the last digit in order to provide a comprehensive record of the information collected, they are not necessarily accurate to the last digit shown. Source: RDS-NOMS, Home Office