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Prison Education

Volume 453: debated on Tuesday 28 November 2006

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many prisoners have gained a public qualification as a result of study engaged in while in prison in each of the last five years. (103620)

The information is not available in the form requested because the prison service education data is not linked to individual prisoners. With the introduction of the Learning and Skills Council-led delivery arrangements for offender learning in England from 31 July, data on individual achievement by offenders will increasingly become available for adults, young offenders and juveniles in custody, and on those serving sentences in the community.

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what proportion of the prison population achieved a basic skills qualification in each of the last five years. (105837)

The information requested is not collected centrally. However, Prison Service Annual Report data shows basic skills qualifications achieved as:










against a prison receptions profile of:










To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many prisoners are receiving education or training; and if he will make a statement. (105839)

In August 2006, 20,920 prisoners were engaged in learning and skills activity in English public prisons and service level agreement (SLA) prisons, funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) as part of the Offenders’ Learning and Skills Service (OLASS).

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many prisoners received education or training in each year since 2002; and what proportion of such education and training was provided by a further education college. (105840)

The information requested has not been collected centrally prior to the introduction of the new offender learning and skills delivery arrangements across England from 31 July 2006. In the month of August 2006, 20,920 prisoners were engaged in learning and skills activity in English public prisons and service level agreement (SLA) prisons, funded by the Learning and Skills Council as part of the Offenders’ Learning and Skills Service (OLASS).

Of the 21 lead providers appointed to deliver learning to prisoners, 14 are further education colleges, representing 67 per cent. of the provider base.