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Waiting Times

Volume 453: debated on Tuesday 28 November 2006

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what targets her Department has for waiting times for cataract operations; and what the waiting times were for such operations in each strategic health authority region in each of the last five years. (102431)

[holding answer 23 November 2006]: The maximum waiting time standard since December 2005 has been 13 weeks for first out-patient appointment and six months for in-patient treatment from decision to admit. Referrals that result in cataract operations are covered by the 18 week target for delivery in December 2008.

Waiting time data at sub-specialty level are not available centrally. The hospital episode statistics data, unadjusted for self-deferrals or periods of medical/social suspension, give an approximate measure at sub-specialty level including cataracts. Data for each of the five years up to 2004-05—the latest for which HES data are available—have been placed in the Library.