[holding answer 23 November 2006]: IT projects undertaken by the Department for Communities and Local Government and its agencies are as follows:
(a) Communities and Local Government (including regional coordination unit and Government offices in the regions)ProjectStart dateOriginal planned completion dateExpected completion dateOriginally planned costs (£000)Estimated planned costs (£000)FiReControl (regional fire control centres)1 200420092011120,000190,000FireLink2June 2002December 2007March 2009350,000350,000Fire Incident Recording SystemJanuary 2006December 2006June 20071,3002,100LogasNet EnhancementsFebruary 2006January 2007January 2007700700National Register of Social HousingNovember 2004September 2006December 20063,0002,400Places Database and State of the CitiesNovember 2005June 2006November 20068001,100Transactional ERDF and State AidsMarch 2005February 2006December 20061,3002,900Web RationalisationDecember 2005June 2008December 20083,2003,200ITSOP3February 2005October 2006June 20076,5267,724DCLG Corporate Web HostingJune 2006March 2007March 2007578661Replacement Infrastructure for Peoplesoft HR SystemNovember 2006May 2007May 2007537537STEP UP—Upgrade to the departmental finance systemSeptember 2006March 2007March 2007346346eSourcing FASD (Zanzibar)June 2006November 2006November 2006218218Human Resources Database, further developmentApril 2006March 2007March 2007320320 Online Performance Management System, further developmentApril 2006March 2007March 2007149149 1 The FiReControl project is principally a business change project with an IT component.2 Firelink is a radio communications system project for the Fire and Rescue Service across Great Britain, with an element of IT.3 ITSOP includes the outsourcing of IT services, the provision of a new desktop system, and the deployment of an electronic document and records management system to key users.
Project Start date Original planned completion date Expected completion date Originally planned costs (£000) Estimated planned costs (£000) Planning Inspectorate Fabasoft version 6 upgrade June 2006 December 2006 February 2007 375 375 Fire Service College FRS Managed Learning Environment January 2006 April 2007 June 2007 5,500 5,500
QEII Conference Centre
The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre is not undertaking any information technology projects.
All figures include VAT where applicable.