The Government have published two relevant statements of national planning policy which are applicable to wharves.
“Planning Policy Guidance note 13: Transport” asks local authorities to promote the role of ports in sustainable distribution by encouraging good access by rail, shipping and waterways as well as road where possible, and by promoting interchange facilities and wharves and harbours where viable. It also asks local authorities, when they prepare their development plans and when determining planning applications, to re-use disused wharves and basins, to retain boatyards and other services used in connection with water-based recreation, and to protect and enhance the waterway environment, where these are viable options.
In the context of planning for minerals, “Minerals Policy Statement 1: Planning and Minerals” asks planning authorities to safeguard existing, planned and potential rail heads, wharfage and associated storage, and handling and processing facilities for the bulk transport by rail, sea or inland waterways of minerals. Mineral planning authorities in two-tier planning areas are also asked to identify future sites to accommodate such facilities and to reflect any allocations in local development documents. The policy advises that district councils in such areas should not normally permit other development proposals near such safeguarded sites where they might constrain future use for these purposes.