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Education Funding

Volume 454: debated on Monday 4 December 2006

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what sources of public funding are available to schools in England; how much (a) was available in financial year 2005-06 and (b) is available in 2006-07 from each source; and for what purposes money from each source may be used. (101920)

£ million2005-062006-07Education Formula Spending1,225,277—Dedicated Schools Grant1,2—26,574Standards Fund2,1072,776Learning and Skills Council Funding for sixth forms (including pensions transfer)1,7601,846Schools Standards Grant (including personalisation)9031,217Budget Support Grant361—Teacher Threshold and Performance Grant4908—Total revenue funding for schools30,38232,413LEA central functions block from Local Government Finance Settlement22,599— 1 The 2005-06 figures are based on Education Formula Spending (EFS) which formed the education part of the Local Government Finance Settlement, plus various revenue grants. This was an assessment of the relative need of local authorities to fund education rather than what they spent. In 2006-07 funding for schools fundamentally changed with the introduction of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) which is based largely on an authority's previous spending.2 The DSG has a different coverage to EFS. EFS comprised a schools budget and an LEA budget (to cover LEA central functions) whereas DSG only covers the schools budget. LEA budget items are still funded through the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Finance Settlement but education items cannot be separately identified. To provide comparability between the 2005-06 EFS and 2006-07 DSG, the funding for LEA central functions block have been removed from the EFS figure and identified separately.3 The Budget Support Grant was only available for two-years and ceased after 2005-06.4 Teacher Threshold and Performance Grant was merged into DSG in 2006-07.Note:Figures may not sum to total due to rounding.