The information requested is set out in the following table, for the whole period from May 1997 to date. Details of the original budgets associated with these procurements are not held centrally and are only available at disproportionate cost. No consultancy fees were incurred in connection with these procurement projects.
Project Cost to date Final costs Refurbishment of Ministerial Suite 82,424 82,424 Set-up costs for Leader of the House of Commons Website 44,828 44,828 Increased Security measures for 2 Carlton Gardens 37,879 37,879 New Payroll Contract implementation 37,042 37,042 Setting up costs for Privy Council Office Website 35,485 35,485 Staff Survey, conference and workshops 31,042 31,042 Judicial Committee Data Base 25,991 25,991 Departmental Diversity Awareness Training and workshops 19,574 19,574 Judicial Committee Sound System for Courtroom 18,869 18,869 Leader of the House of Commons' Correspondence Data base 18,844 18,844 Lords Chief Whip's Video Conferencing facility. 18,212 18,212 Provision of bathroom for Lady Judges at Judicial Committee 17,170 17,170 Judges Retiring Room furniture 15,267 15,267 Screens for Judicial Committee Court Room 12,577 12,577 Security Cupboards 85 Cabinets for Judicial Committee 8,769 8,769 Carpeting for library etc JC 8,078 8,078 Leader of the House of Commons T.V screens & Video Equipment 7,451 7,451 Bathroom Refurbishment 2 Carlton Gardens 7,401 7,401 Carpeting for third floor 2 Carlton Gardens 7,263 7,263 Electrical upgrades for posts and sockets, 2 Carlton Gardens. 7,199 7,199
All questions to the Leader of the House can be found on: