[holding answer 4 December 2006]: Funding which DTI gave (or DTI has provided for in the case of 2006-07) to the following bodies in the years shown:
2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Central Arbitration Committee 1,170 990 970 1,010 770 800 DTI does not fund the CAC directly, but DTI does fund ACAS, which is statutorily responsible for resourcing the CAC Competition Appeal Tribunal 0 0 499 682 646 777 The CAT came into being on 1 April 2003. In addition to the CAT costs, running costs are met by the Competition Service. These CS operating costs were 0 0 2,093 2,692 2,953 2,973 Copyright Tribunal The Patent Office pays the costs of running the CT. DTI has not paid any such costs. — — — — — — Employment Appeal Tribunal Employment Tribunals 55,042 64,376 68,321 68,131 73,762 0 ETs and the EAT are co-funded through the Employment Tribunals Service (which became the Tribunals Service in April 2006) DTI funding ceased from April 2006, as responsibility transferred to DCA. The costs shown are for ETs and the EAT combined, the overwhelming majority relating to ETs. Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal A maximum of £4,000 has been spent in any one year on IPT costs, and 2004-05 was the last time costs were incurred. — — — — — — Persons Hearing Consumer Credit Licensing Appeals Tribunal 24 9 29 18 37 30 Persons Hearing Estate Agent Appeals 0 0 7 4 6 8