In 2005 the United Kingdom Passport Service spent £1,280 in total on Christmas cards. In 2006 the Identity and Passport Service will spend £1,030 in total on Christmas cards.
The Identity and Passport Service undertakes minimal official entertaining and this would be mainly limited to the provision of sandwich lunches to visitors to our facilities.
The Identity and Passport Service provides subsistence to its staff who are required to work out of their normal base in line with Home Office travel and subsistence rules. In addition working lunches are provided in certain circumstances. The total amounts the Agency has spent in the last two years are as follows:
£ 2004-05 252,707 2005-06 296,282
Separate records on the number of overseas trips is not held separately, but the cost of overseas journeys undertaken by UK Passport Service staff are as follows:
£ 2001-02 8,818 2002-03 21,080 2003-04 27,259 2004-05 24,330 2005-06 23,427