The following table details funding approved by the Department for Transport for Greater Manchester and Merseyside transport projects in each of the last two years.
Greater Manchester Merseyside Local transport plan 2005-06 102.66 61.492 2006-07 79.478 49.086 Targeted programme of improvements 2005-06 47.3 0.7 2006-07 6.0 1.4
In addition to the above, the recent Regional Funding Allocations exercise identified the following schemes as requiring funding (subject to technical appraisal) in 2006-07:
£ million Greater Manchester 20.7 Greater Manchester Urban Traffic Control Scheme 1 Metrolink Extensions 4.3 Rochdale Interchange 1.5 Metrolink Phase 1 and 2 Renewals 13.9 Merseyside 10.948 Liverpool Hall Lane Gateway 4.7 Liverpool Edge Lane 6.248
Both sub-regions have also benefited significantly from the £8.6 billion West Coast Route Modernisation Programme.