The Crown Prosecution Service published its Agenda Equality Scheme on 4 December. My other Departments will publish their Schemes by April 2007 in accordance with the requirements of the Equality Act 2006.
From 6 April 2007, private sector organisations, when carrying out functions of a public nature on behalf of public authorities, will be required to comply with the general gender equality duty which is to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and harassment and promote equality of opportunity between women and men.
My Departments already have in place some guidance on these issues and reference will be made to the Equal Opportunities Commission’s (EOC) Code of Practice of gender equality duty and any further EOC guidance when available.
In addition in drawing up gender equality schemes my Departments will ensure that these issues are fully covered. The CPS already has in place guidance on addressing equality issues in procurement, including issues of gender equality.
My Departments are all putting arrangements in place to ensure regular gender impact assessments of policy developments, legislation and office practices and procedures. This conforms to the requirements which will take effect from 6 April 2007, in line with the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (Public Authorities) (Statutory Duties) Order 2006; and Departments will also refer to Equal Opportunities Commissions (EOC) Code of Practice on the gender equality duty and specific guidance when available.
Staff have been, or are being, trained to conduct such assessments.
My Departments are all taking the necessary steps to meet the statutory duties that will come into force in April 2007 to end unlawful discrimination and harassment and to promote equality between women and men.
The CPS has already published its single Equality Scheme and my other Departments will have published their Gender Equality Schemes by April 2007.
The necessary training of staff is also being undertaken.