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TriStars (Spare Parts)

Volume 455: debated on Monday 8 January 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether any difficulties have been experienced in obtaining spare parts for the Royal Air Force’s fleet of TriStars. (109048)

We have not experienced any significant problems in meeting spare demands from the Front Line to support the RAF’s TriStar aircraft. Current spare part availability for the TriStar fleet is sufficient to meet operational and training commitments.

The Defence Logistics Organisation is currently engaged with industry to develop the TriStar Integrated Operational Support (TRIOS) programme. TRIOS, which is consistent with the principles set out in the Defence Industrial Strategy, will move the focus from spares availability to guaranteed aircraft availability and bring together all aspects of TriStar logistic support. On current plans it is envisaged that a TRIOS contract will be awarded at the end of next year.