Good progress has been made since DEFRA and the devolved administrations published “Securing the Benefits” in response to the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit landmark report, “Net Benefits”. In particular, in terms of modernisation of fisheries management, we have achieved the following results:
(i) We have appointed a Regional Fisheries Manager for South West England to pilot the benefits of the role.
(ii) We have begun work to change the quota management system in the UK. We are developing options for change and will soon be consulting on these.
(iii) We have set up a Marine Fisheries Science Advisory Group.
(iv) We have continued to fund the Fisheries Science Partnership and, with industry involvement, identified projects for 2006-07 including work on North East coast crabs and lobsters, North Sea whiting and Eastern Channel cod.
(v) We have set up a new fund for science projects.
(vi) We have put in place registration of buyers and sellers of fish to strengthen the assurance that all fish are caught and landed in compliance with the relevant fisheries legislation.
(vii) We have appointed regional advisers to help with applications for grants under the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance.
(viii) We have announced that modernised Sea Fisheries Committees (SFCs) will be given new powers, through the Marine Bill, to deliver improved management of fish stocks and the marine environment.
(ix) We have announced an increased minimum landing size for bass which will offer greater protection to the stock while providing more and larger bass for commercial fishermen and anglers.
Further information on the progress that has been made over the last year is contained in DEFRA’s progress report which was published as a supplement to “Fishing Focus” in October 2006 on the DEFRA website at: 1006supp.pdf.