The percentages of trainee teachers completing a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in each of the academic years, 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 and attaining Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) within one year, by subject specialism, are shown in the following table:
Academic year 2003/04 2004/05 2005/062 Primary 91 91 86 Secondary by subject: Mathematics 87 83 82 English (inc. Drama) 90 86 86 Science 88 86 83 Modern foreign languages 88 85 83 Technology 89 87 83 History 88 91 87 Geography 89 90 89 Physical education 97 95 92 Art 86 83 79 Music 89 86 85 Religious education 81 81 81 Citizenship 93 90 83 Other3 87 90 89 Vocational subjects4 — 83 83 Total 89 87 84 Primary and Secondary 89 88 85 1 Source—General Teaching Council for England (GTCE). 2 Data for 2005/06 are provisional and reflect the number of trainees who have achieved QTS as at 1 January 2007. The number achieving QTS will be updated during the course of the year. 3 Other includes classics, dance, economics, media, performing arts, social studies, general studies, social sciences, teacher training and humanities. It also includes a small number of cases where subject specification is not known. 4 Vocational subjects include applied ICT, applied science, applied business, engineering, manufacturing, and health and social care. The data for the academic year 2003/04 are not shown because of low number of cases.