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Volume 455: debated on Thursday 18 January 2007

To ask the Leader of the House how many letters to his Department sent from hon. Members during Session 2005-06 remain unanswered, broken down by those which are (a) one month old, (b) two months old, (c) three months old, (d) four months old and (e) over six months old. (114611)

For the calendar year 2006 the Office of the Leader of the House of Commons answered 95 per cent. of correspondence from hon. Members that required a reply within our 15 working day deadline. We have no outstanding correspondence from hon. Members received in the 2005-06 Session.

The Cabinet Office, on an annual basis, publishes a report to Parliament on the performance of Departments in replying to Members’/Peers’ correspondence. The report for 2005 was published on 30 March 2006, Official Report, columns 75-78WS. Information relating to 2006 is currently being collated and will be published as soon as it is ready.