Rightmove.co.uk plc does not provide data to the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) but makes information accessible to VOA staff through a web link. This information includes photographs of properties, but such photographs are only for viewing and are not copied by the VOA.
Local authorities are required by the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to provide information that will assist listing officers of the Valuation Office Agency in carrying out their functions in relation to council tax. This information will usually include information about attributes of domestic property. The extent of information provided will differ from local authority to local authority.
No property attributes are being supplied. The contract with Rightmove gives the Valuation Office Agency access by a web link to an archive of estate agent particulars that were made available to the public on Rightmove.co.uk’s main website when a property was being marketed.
No contract was signed with Capgemini. The contract—between EDS and CLT—was transferred to Capgemini when they took over as IT provider to the Valuation Office Agency in July 2004. The total spend (ex. VAT) each year with CLT, since the contract began in November 2003, is:
£ 2003-04 624,546 2004-05 1,265,754.60 2005-06 1,334,182.61
The response to which this is pursuant incorrectly gave the date from which expenditure began to be incurred as July 2004 (the date that Capgemini took over the contract). The correct date is November 2003.
Forecast outturn for 2006-07 and expenditure for 2007-08 is subject to ongoing discussion and cannot be revealed without prejudicing the commercial position of the parties.