The available information is in the following table.
Number/Percentage CTB recipients aged 60 and over1 17,170 Population aged 60 and over 72,200 Percentage of population aged 60 and over1 in receipt of CTB 23.8 1 ‘Aged 60 and over’ is defined as benefit units where the claimant and/or partner are aged 60 and over. Therefore figures will contain some claimants aged under 60 where there is a partner aged over 60 years. Notes: 1. The data refer to benefit units, which may be a single person or a couple. 2. CTB caseloads are rounded to the nearest 10 and percentage to one decimal place. 3. Population figure is rounded to the nearest hundred. 4. Council tax benefit figures exclude any second adult rebate cases. 5. CTB figures are not available at parliamentary constituency level. Sources: 1. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Management Information System Quarterly 100 per cent. caseload stock-count taken in May 2006. 2. Mid-2005 ONS population estimates.