(2) whether animal welfare stakeholders will be involved in the process of implementing the Animals Scientific Procedures Better Regulation Action Plan.
The objectives of the Animals Scientific Procedures Better Regulation Programme are to simplify current regulatory requirements and administrative processes under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and reduce compliance costs whilst maintaining animal welfare standards.
The programme will be overseen and managed within the framework for implementation of the Home Office Simplification Plan, announced in December 2006, and will actively involve operational level practitioners from industry and academia and those with a special interest in animal welfare to identify and prioritise the regulatory requirements and administrative processes to be improved and the compliance costs to be reduced; and to devise and test practical solutions, including assessing any impact on animal welfare.
All animals that are used in procedures licensed under the 1986 Act must be housed and cared for in a way that meets the standards published in the Home Office codes of practice for the housing and care of animals.
We continue to work to ensure that the highest standards of animal welfare are being implemented and have no intention of introducing measures that will weaken the protections afforded by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986.