The available information is set out in the table.
Gloucestershire1 PCT Age under 16 Age 16 to 18 2002 28 159 2003 34 224 2004 52 237 2005 46 210 1 Gloucestershire PCT is made up of Cheltenham and Tewkesbury, Cotswold and Vale, and West Gloucestershire PCTs as published between 2002 and 2005. 2 Information by PCT is not available prior to 2002
The information requested is shown in the table as follows.
Age 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Under 14 162 148 168 148 157 137 14 886 918 907 1,023 877 946 15 2,700 2,592 2,658 2,796 2,722 2,703 16 5,439 5,652 5,633 5,768 5,734 5,733 17 7,895 7,963 8,083 8,387 8,402 8,504 18 9,455 9,465 9,182 9,765 10,294 10,119 19 10,429 10,351 10,087 10,327 10,956 10,957 Total 36,966 37,089 36,718 38,214 39,142 39,099