The provision of social services in the Tunbridge Wells area is the responsibility of Kent county council. Funding for local authorities' social service responsibilities are paid through formula grant (revenue support grant and national non-domestic rates) and specific grant. Formula grant is unhypothecated provision and decisions on the use of that grant are for local authorities to make, bearing in mind their statutory responsibilities and the wishes of their electorate. Under the provisional local government finance settlement 2007-08, Kent county council receives a formula grant of £228.685 million, which is an increase of 2.7 per cent. on a like for like basis. In addition, Kent will receive the following revenue grants for adult social care amounting to £42.591 million:
£ million Access and systems capacity 13.386 Child and adolescent mental health services 1.786 Carers grants 4.353 Commission for Social Care Inspection 0.017 Delayed discharge 2.477 HR development strategy 1.082 Improving management information 0.479 Mental health grant 2.870 National training strategy 2.335 Preserved rights 12.217 Preventative technology grant 1.245 Mental Capacity Act and the independent mental capacity advocate 0.344