At the end of November 2006, there were six patients waiting more than six months for in-patient treatment in Lancashire. These six patients are all in the East Lancashire Primary Care Trust area.
The tables show the average time waited for cardiac, kidney transplant and liver transplant operations in the Barking, Havering and Redbridge National Health Service Trust and each NHS trust in London for 2005-06. These are the latest figures available. Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS Trust has never undertaken organ transplants.
Average (median) time waited in days Cardiac transplants Kidney transplants Liver transplants Barking, Havering and Redbridge Trust — — — All other London trusts Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust — 8 — Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust — 8 — St. Mary’s NHS Trust — — — St. George’s Healthcare NHS Trust — 2 — King’s College Hospital NHS Trust — — 119 Barts and The London NHS Trust 67 — — Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust 169 — — Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust — 19 — Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust 281 — —
Average time waited for all cardiac operations in the Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS Trust and each NHS trust in London NHS hospitals, England 2005-06NHS trustAverage (median) time waited in daysBarking, Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust109Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust1Barts and The London NHS Trust66Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust23Chelsea and Westminster Healthcare NHS Trust—Ealing Hospital NHS Trust6 Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust52Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust54Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust41Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust72Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust12 King’s College Hospital NHS Trust42Kingston Hospital NHS Trust67London Bridge Hospital81Mayday Healthcare NHS Trust85Newham University Hospital NHS Trust—North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust—North West London Hospitals NHS Trust6Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust36Queen Mary’s Sidcup NHS Trust24Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust45Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust92St. George’s Healthcare NHS Trust47St. Mary’s NHS Trust69The Harley Street Clinic—The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust85The Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust—The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust—University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust65West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust—Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust154 Notes:1. Main operationThe main operation is the first recorded operation in the HES data set and is usually the most resource intensive procedure performed during the episode. It is appropriate to use main operation when looking at admission details, e.g. time waited, but the figures for “all operations count of episodes” give a more complete count of episodes with an operation.The OPCS-4.2 codes for liver transplant are as follows:J01.1 Orthotopic transplantation of liverJ01.2 Heterotopic transplantation of liverJ01.3 Replacement of previous liver transplantJ01.8 Other specified transplantation of liverJ01.9 Unspecified transplantation of liverThe OPCS-4.2 codes for kidney transplant are as follows:M01.1 Autotransplantation of kidneyM01.2 Allotransplantation of kidney from live donorM01.3 Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaverM01.8 Other specified transplantation of kidneyM01.9 Unspecified transplantation of kidneyThe codes for cardiac transplants in OPCS-4.2 are as follows:K01.1 Allotransplantation of heart and lungK01.2 Revision of transplantation of heart and lungK01.8 Other specified transplantation of heart and lungK01.9 Unspecified transplantation of heart and lungK02.1 Allotransplantation of heart necK02.2 Xenotransplantation of heartK02.3 Implantation of prosthetic heartK02.4 Piggy back transplantation of heartK02.5 Revision of implantation of prosthetic heartK02.6 Revision of transplantation of heart necK02.8 Other specified other transplantation of heartK02.9 Unspecified other transplantation of heartThe codes for all cardiac operations in OPCS-4.2 are as follows:All chapter K: K01-K712. Time waited (days)Time waited statistics from Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) are not the same as the published waiting list statistics. HES provides counts and time waited for all patients admitted to hospital within a given period whereas the published waiting list statistics count those waiting for treatment on a specific date and how long they have been on the waiting list. Also, HES calculates the time waited as the difference between the admission and decision to admit dates. Unlike published waiting list statistics, this is not adjusted for self-deferrals or periods of medical/social suspension. 3. Ungrossed dataFigures have not been adjusted for shortfalls in data (i.e. the data are ungrossed).Source:Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), The Information Centre for Health and Social Care