The answer of 6 November 2006, Official Report, columns 801-2W, asked for information covering the last five years. The only year that the information had been held separated into officers and other ranks was 2005-06 and the same information for the previous years could be provided only at a disproportionate cost due to work being undertaken to transit from the three legacy systems to JPA—joint personnel administration system.
Information for 2005-06
Number of service children currently being educated utilising the MOD’s Boarding School Allowance Scheme:
As at the spring term 2005, Service Education Allowances were being paid for 7,914 children.
The breakdown of service claimants is as follows:
Number Royal Navy 1,377 Royal Air Force 2,257 Army 4,280
The number of children in receipt of Education Allowances from commissioned officer’s families:
Number Royal Navy 920 Royal Air Force 1,286 Army 2,675
The number of children in receipt of Education Allowances from all ratings, non-commissioned officer’s (NCO) and other ranks families:
Number Royal Navy 457 Royal Air Force 971 Army 1,605