The available requirement and strength data are given as follows.
Requirement Strength3 Requirement Strength3 Territorial Army4 59,000 56,200 42,000 35,940 Royal Naval Reserve5 n/a 2,670 2,900 2,180 Royal Marines Reserve5 n/a 890 990 710 Royal Auxiliary Air Force6 2,250 1,740 2,220 71,460 n/a = not available 1 Royal Auxiliary Air Force data are at 1 January 1999. All others at 1 April 1997. 2 Territorial Army (TA) data are at 1 November 2006. Royal Naval Reserve (RNR) data and Royal Marines Reserve (RMR) data are at 1 October 2006. Royal Auxiliary Air Force Requirement data are at 1 April 2006. Royal Auxiliary Air Force Strength data are at 1 October 2006. 3 Strength figures are for both trained and untrained personnel. 4 The 1997 figures exclude Mobilised TA personnel as the reserve type cannot be easily identified. There were a total of 990 Mobilised Personnel (Volunteer and Regular Reserve) at 1 April 1997. The 2006 figures include 1,060 Mobilised TA Personnel. All TA figures include Officer Training Corps (OTC) and exclude Non Regular Permanent Staff (NRPS) and Full Time Reserve Service (FTRS). At 1 November 2006 there were 4,910 capbadged OTC personnel. 5 RNR and RMR strength figures exclude FTRS. 6 The Royal Auxiliary Air Force Requirement includes FTRS Home Commitment (HC) and Limited Commitment (LC); the Strength includes FTRS (HC), (LC) and Full Commitment (FC) (for which there is no separate requirement). 7 Provisional. Due to the introduction of a new personnel administration system for RAF, all RAF data from 1 May 20O6 are provisional and subject to review.