The level of trade between the top 20 EU markets and Mercosur full members totalled US$ 71,545 million in 2005. The following table shows the level of trade by imports and exports over the last three years.
2003 2004 2005 Mercosur imports from the EU 19,285 25,499 29,088 Mercosur exports to the EU 30,548 37,191 42,457 Totals 49,833 62,690 71,545
UK Trade and Investment’s teams in Mercosur’s foil member markets have identified the following as the main growth sectors in 2006-07.
Mining, agriculture, financial and legal services, oil and gas, creative and media.
Aerospace, agriculture, biotech/pharma, construction, creative/media, education/training, engineering, environment, financial and legal services, healthcare/medical, ICT, oil and gas, power, transport.
Paraguay does not have any dedicated UKTI resource to deal with commercial enquiries. However, the dominant sector is agriculture.
Uruguay's key growth sectors are agriculture, food and beverages, tobacco and chemical industries.
Oil and gas, agriculture, construction, consumer goods, education and training, environment, financial services, ICT, power, security, tourism