The number of patient episodes of MRSA bacteraemia reported by year and where possible by hospital over the last five years are detailed in the following table.
Trust Hospital 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Altnagelvin Hospitals Altnagelvin Area Hospital 16 14 17 22 21 Waterside Hospital (ward 5) 0 0 0 0 0 Belfast City Hospitals Belfast City 144 46 53 247 39 NICCO (Belvoir Park) 1— 1 2 2— 0 Causeway Causeway Hospital 34 12 9 49 10 Dalriada Hospital 3— 0 0 4— 0 Robinson Memorial Hospital 3— 0 0 4— 0 Craigavon Area Hospital Group Craigavon Area Hospital 11 13 22 22 19 Lurgan Hospital 0 3 3 2 1 South Tyrone Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 Down Lisburn Downe Hospital 59 4 3 14 4 Lagan Valley Hospital 5— 2 9 3 3 Greenpark Forster Green Hospital 60 74 85 92 103 Musgrave Park Hospital 6— 7— 8— 9— 10— Mater Mater Infirmorum Hospital 8 20 25 9 23 Newry and Mourne Daisy Hill Hospital 5 4 10 5 3 Royal Group of Hospitals RBHSC 0 0 1 1 1 Royal Jubilee 0 0 4 2 2 Royal Victoria Hospital 30 27 37 41 46 Sperrin Lakeland Erne Hospital 3 0 10 3 2 Tyrone County Hospital 2 3 5 13 4 Ulster Community and Hospitals Ards Hospital 1113 0 1 0 0 Bangor Hospital 11— 1 0 0 0 Ulster Hospital 11— 24 22 34 25 United Hospitals Antrim Area Hospital 1225 28 32 1341 1437 Braid Valley Hospital 12— 0 1 13— 14— Mid Ulster Hospital 12— 1 8 13— 14— Moyle Hospital 12— 0 0 13— 14— Whiteabbey Hospital 12— 5 5 13— 14— Northern Ireland total 170 212 284 270 243 Note: Surveillance began 1 April 2001. Source: Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre Northern Ireland (CDSC (NI)).