Figures for those participating in further education (FE) funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) can be derived from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR). The FE ILR was collated for the first time in 2002-03 and figures are given from that time.
The following table shows the total number of learners aged 19 and above in FE in local LSC areas within the east Midlands since 2002/03 based on home postcode of the learner. Numbers of learners nationally are presented for comparison.
Area/year Adult learners in FE Derbyshire 2002-03 86,040 2003-04 83,700 2004-05 84,990 2005-06 74,620 Nottinghamshire 2002-03 91,130 2003-04 96,210 2004-05 93,200 2005-06 71,840 Lincolnshire and Rutland 2002-03 50,790 2003-04 54,910 2004-05 51,540 2005-06 36,450 Leicestershire 2002-03 77,340 2003-04 77,170 2004-05 77,240 2005-06 63,270 Northamptonshire 2002-03 37,520 2003-04 37,650 2004-05 39,300 2005-06 31,530 East Midlands 2002-03 342,820 2003-04 349,640 2004-05 346,270 2005-06 277,720 England 2002-03 3,510,810 2003-04 3,456,100 2004-05 3,476,930 2005-06 2,884,780 Note: Figures rounded to nearest 10. Source: 2005-06 figures breakdown figures reported in ILR/SFR11, Further Education, Work-Based Learning and Adult and Community Learning—Learner Numbers in England: 2005-06; 2004-05 and 2003-04 derived from figures reported in ILR/SFR08; 2002-03 figures derived from figures reported in ILR/SFR05.