The information requested is in the following table.
Pupils aged 15 Pupils at the end of key stage 4 Number (Thousand) Percentage Number (Thousand) Percentage Achieving 5+ A*-C 379.6 58.5 382.4 59.2 Achieving 5+ A*-C including English and mathematics 294.1 45.3 295.9 45.8 Achieving A*-C in English, mathematics and science 264.1 40.7 265.9 41.2 Achieving A*-C in English, mathematics, science and a modern foreign language 166.9 25.7 168.1 26.0 Achieving 5+ A*-C including English, mathematics and science 263.5 40.9 265.2 41.1 Achieving 5+ A*-C including English, mathematics, science and a modern foreign language 166.9 25.7 168.1 26.0