The following table sets out the percentage of HEFCE’s budget which was spent directly on the provision of Higher Education (HE) in Further Education Colleges (FECs).
As percent of grants to all institutions As percent of grants to all institutions and other bodies 2001-02 3.1 3.1 2002-03 2.8 2.7 2003-04 2.6 2.5 2004-05 2.5 2.4 2005-06 2.5 2.5
These figures exclude indirectly funded HE provision in FE Colleges financed under franchising arrangements with Higher Education Institutions. While the position varies between individual institutions, FE Colleges have in recent years tended to receive higher than average percentage increases in their budgets as a result of our commitment to increase and widen participation and have benefited from the allocation of Additional Student Numbers and the widening participation premium in the grant distribution formulae adopted by HEFCE as a result.