(2) if he will break down by main budget heading the expenditure of the teenage pregnancy unit in 2005-06;
(3) what the job description is of each employee at the teenage pregnancy unit.
[holding answer 23 January 2007]: The following table sets out the budget allocated to deliver the Government’s teenage pregnancy strategy, since it was launched in 1999. The table separates out the amounts spent on: local implementation (paid through a local implementation grant to each top-tier local authority in England); and the amount retained by the teenage pregnancy unit (TPU) to pay for aspects of the strategy that are best managed centrally, such as funding for the national media campaign and commissioning of research projects).
Financial year Local implementation Central costs Total 1999-2000 4.5 0.5 5 2000-01 11.5 4.5 16 2001-02 16 5 21 2002-03 16 5 21 2003-04 133 7 40 2004-05 133 7 40 2005-06 133 5 38 2006-07 29.5 5.5 35 2007-082 29.5 5.5 35 1Budgets in years 2003-04 to 2005-06 included funding for the Sure Start Plus pilots. 2Provisional
The budget breakdown for 2005-06 is presented in the following table.
Budget Amount (£ million) Local implementation (including Sure Start Plus pilots) 33 Regional co-ordinators 0.9 Media campaign 2.3 Research 0.1 PSHE training programme for community nurses 0.8 Miscellaneous (staff-related costs, conferences, Independent Advisory Group) 0.9 Total 38
The job titles for the six civil servants who currently make up the TPU are:
1. National programme manager
2. National policy manager
3. National support manager
4. TPU data analyst
5. Support for local implementation
6. Admin officer