Yes. Detailed surveys were completed in April 2005 for each dwelling in the project. The surveys addressed each external element of the dwellings, and highlighted significant problems and defects common to most of them.
Owner occupiers who are awarded housing benefit by the Rate Collection Agency receive a credit to their rate account rather than a payment. Currently 6,500 awards of housing benefit to rate accounts are outstanding. Work to resolve the issue is ongoing.
My Department does not hold the information in the format required, but the details were requested from Registered Housing Associations. Thirty seven associations rent accommodation (excluding the Northern Ireland Co-ownership Housing Association Limited). As the question asks for numbers of houses the figures in the table exclude sheltered units of accommodation and flats. The table differentiates between houses available and not available for occupation. Houses may be unavailable for a number of reasons such as requiring or undergoing maintenance before being offered to applicants.
Northern Ireland West Belfast South Belfast North Belfast East Belfast Available for occupation 75 11 4 12 13 Unavailable for occupation 165 26 6 37 20 Total unoccupied 240 37 10 49 33