The information requested is presented in the table.
HPSS organisation Headcount WTE Northern Board 11 11.00 Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist 1 1.00 Child and Adolescent Psychologist 1 1.00 Looked After Children Psychologist 1 1.00 Nurse Practitioners (Community Intensive Treatment Team) 4 4.00 Paediatric Occupational Therapist (Community Intensive Treatment Team) 1 1.00 Child and Young People’s Substance Abuse Worker 3 3.00 Eastern Board 17 17.00 Psychiatrist 1 0.80 Band 5 Nurse 15 15.00 Band 7 CAMHS Lead Nurse 1 1.00 Southern Board 1 0.60 Senior Family Therapist Grade A 1 0.60 Western Board 1 1.00 Clinical Psychologist 1 1.00 Total 30 29.60 Notes: 1. WTE—whole-time equivalent 2. 9 (9.00 WTE) vacancies for the Northern Board Area are newly funded posts and still have to be advertised. The other two vacancies have been advertised and interviews are to be held shortly. Source: NI HPSS Trusts
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) commissioned an independent review of mental health and learning disability policy and legislation in October 2002. The review has included policy and services for children and adolescents within its remit and their report has recommended that a study of the mental health needs of children be undertaken as soon as possible. Departmental officials are currently developing the Government’s response to the review overall.