The available information is in the following tables.
May 2002 May 2003 May 2004 May 2005 May 2006 Incapacity Benefit (IB) 2,471,140 2,494,890 2,508,770 2,490,850 2,449,990 Disability Living Allowance (DLA) 2,443,810 2,566,820 2,662,830 2,750,970 2,820,860 Attendance Allowance (AA) 1 ,504,440 1,527,990 1,570,340 1,605,710 1,646,890 Bereavement benefits (BB) 41,490 47,680 51,180 55,240 57,660 Carer's Allowance (CA) 516,080 589,330 680,470 733,750 785,270 Maternity Allowance (MA) 15,700 14,860 26,900 27,500 29,900 Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA) 336,480 320,760 305,940 292,870 280,010 Notes: 1. IB, SDA,DLA, AA and BB Figures are rounded to the nearest 10. 2. MA figures are rounded to the nearest 100. 3. AA, CA and DLA figures show all entitled cases—not just those in payment. 4. The sharp rise in MA figures from 2003 to 2004 is due to the change in MA rules. From April 2003 Maternity Allowance could be claimed for 26 weeks rather than the 18 weeks previously allowed. 5. 'Claimant' figures include all IB (including IB credits only cases). Source: For IB, SDA,DLA,AA and BB - DWP Information Directorate, Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study 100 per cent. data. For MA - DWP Information Directorate, 5 per cent. samples.
£ million 2001-02 Outturn 2002-03 Outturn 2003-04 Outturn 2004-05 Outturn 2005-06 Estimated Outturn Attendance Allowance 3,536 3,566 3,695 3,845 4,012 Disability Living Allowance 7,447 7,735 8,104 8,453 8,810 Carer's Allowance 1,055 1,089 1,126 1,153 1,172 Bereavement Benefit 1,244 1,193 1,076 965 905 Incapacity Benefit 7,638 7,412 7,187 6,967 6,810 Severe Disablement Allowance 1,177 1,050 1,000 960 919 Maternity Allowance 63 75 136 156 168 Source: DWP benefit expenditure tables.
The Department accounts for its administrative expenditure by strategic objective as set out in its public service agreements (PSA) and by individual requests for resources (RfRs) as set out in the departmental estimates and accounts, and not by benefit. Information on administrative expenditure by strategic objective is available in the annually published Departmental Report, copies of which are available in the Library.