[holding answer 25 January 2007]: There are currently 368 Royal Navy and overseas officer cadets in training at Britannia Royal Naval College. BRNC also administers a further 184 cadets who are at university, which brings the total to 552.
There are 173 uniformed members of staff at BRNC comprising: 61 officers, 39 Senior and Junior Ratings, 45 members of the Royal Marines Band and 28 members of the Military Provost Guard Service.
There are 316 members of civilian staff at BRNC comprising: 45 MOD civil servants and 271 contractor staff (Flagship Training Ltd. 97, Sodexho 160, Interserve 14).
The annual running costs for BRNC for the last five years are as follows:
Financial year Cost (£ million) 2001-02 18.1 2002-03 18.6 2003-04 19.8 2004-05 20.1 2005-06 21.0