There are currently 3,779 Housing Executive properties unoccupied and of those the distribution for Belfast showing the reason for not being occupied are as follows:
Awaiting imminent relet Difficult to let Undergoing major repairs imp’s/decanting Pending sale or demolition Total (a) West (district 1) 1 8 37 0 46 (district 3) 0 0 16 2 18 (district 5) 0 24 81 32 137 Total 1 32 134 34 201 (b) South (district 7) 1 1 49 2 53 (c) North (district 4) 2 88 122 135 347 (district 6) 12 49 33 128 222 Total 14 137 155 263 569 (d) East (district 2) 0 0 65 36 101
The districts in brackets relate to the Housing Executive Offices that cover each of the four areas of Belfast referred to in the question.