Patients suffering from Parkinson's disease in the Western Health and Social Services Board area are usually referred to consultants in either neurology, or care of the elderly services.
Within these specialty areas, there are six whole-time equivalent consultants employed in the Western Health and Social Services Board area who treat patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
Information on waiting times specific to Parkinson's disease is not available. By March 2007, however, no one will be waiting more than six months for a first out-patient appointment with a consultant.
There are a number of consultants in ‘care of the elderly’ and consultant neurologists employed within the Western Health and Social Services Board area who treat patients with Parkinson's Disease.
Information on these consultants (headcount) is detailed in the following table.
Consultants 20021 20031 20041 20051 20061 Foyle 1 1 1 1 1 Sperrin Lakeland 2 2 2 2 2 Allnagelvin2,3 2 2 3 3 3 Total 5 5 6 6 6 1 Year Ending 31 December. 2 Two consultants in ‘care of the elderly’ at Altnagelvin have experience in dealing with people with Parkinson' s. One consultant holds a movement disorder clinic once per month with the Parkinson's Nurse. 3 In addition both 'care of the elderly' consultants at Altnagelvin see patients with Parkinson's on a regular basis throughout their clinics, but these clinics are not specifically for Parkinson's patients.