18. David Taylor: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what recent assessment he has made of China’s pattern of energy consumption.
The International Energy Agency predicts that the world’s primary energy demand will increase by just over 50 per cent. between now and 2030—if current policies continue. China, alone, is expected to account for a third of this increase.
This underlines the importance of working with China and other emerging economies to tackle the global challenges of energy security and climate change. The UK continues to work closely with China, bilaterally and through international forums, on the promotion of clean and energy efficient technologies, such as the EU-China Near-Zero Emissions Coal (NZEC) project, which will assist China in meeting its future energy requirements in a sustainable manner.
As Chair of the China Task Force I have placed issues of sustainability, including energy sustainability, at the heart of our relationship with China. I am currently working with UK experts and business leaders to draw up specific proposals for ensuring the creation of sustainable cities.