The fixed assets sold by the core-Department and its agencies in 2004-05 and 2005-06 for more than £10,000 including dates of sale and sale values are listed in the following table. Information about the purchaser of each asset is not held centrally and obtaining this information would incur disproportionate costs for the Department.
Date of sale Organisation Type of asset Description Sale value (£000) 1 April 2004 Core Defra Property Rocks Farm, Kent 150 24 July 2004 Core Defra Property Tattenhall Buffer Depot, Cheshire 361 24 January 2005 Core Defra Property 4a Efford, Lymington, Hampshire 43 4 March 2005 Core Defra Property 196 Willington Road Kirton, Lincolnshire 69 4 March 2005 Core Defra Property 8 Farm Close Boxworth, Cambridgeshire 161 31 March 2005 Core Defra Property Boxworth Land Cambridgeshire 20 18 July 2005 Core Defra Property Efford Lots 1 and 1a, Lymington, Hampshire 1,403 2 September 2005 Core Defra Property Efford Lot 4, Lymington, Hampshire 151 23 September 2005 Core Defra Property Harpenden Lab, Hertfordshire 4,119 30 September 2005 Core Defra Property No 4 Lower House Farm Barns, Throckmorton , Worcestershire 245 7 November 2005 Core Defra Property Efford Lot 5, Lymington, Hampshire 65 11 November 2005 Core Defra Property Boxworth Woodside, Cambridgeshire 400 25 November 2005 Core Defra Property 2 Newbridge Drive Cottages, Efford, Lymington, Hampshire 152 31 January 2006 Core Defra Property Efford Main site Lot 2, Lymington, Hampshire 296 31 January 2006 Core Defra Property Efford Main site Lot 3, Lymington, Hampshire 198 31 January 2006 Core Defra Property 1 Newbridge Drive Cottages, Efford, Lymington, Hampshire 152 5 April 2005 Core Defra Vehicle Volkswagen Golf 10 1 October 2004 Core Defra (1) IT Equipment in block 17,982 31 January 2006 CEFAS Research Vessel Marine Vessel Corystes 969 28 June 2004 RPA Land and Buildings Grain Store Lochabriggs 1,431 28 June 2004 RPA Plant and Machinery Cold Store (part of the above Grain Store) 25 30 June 2004 RPA Plant and Machinery VOLVO (part of the above Grain Store) 11 23 August 2004 RPA Plant and Machinery VOLVO (part of the above Grain Store ) 11 17 June 2005 RPA Land and Buildings Grain Stores—Hemswell 661 17 June 2005 RPA Plant and Machinery Cold Store (part of the above Grain Store) 1,526 31 October 2005 RPA Plant and Machinery VOLVO (part of the above Grain Store) 22 31 October 2005 RPA Plant and Machinery Grain Elevator 12 23 December 2005 RPA Land and Buildings Grain Stores—19683-Clifton 5,475 31 December 2005 RPA Plant and Machinery Loading Shovel 10 31 December 2005 RPA Plant and Machinery Loading Shovel 10 31 December 2005 RPA Plant and Machinery Grain Elevator 18 Note: This reflects the transfer of the ownership of IT equipment in block to IBM as part of core Defra’s IT outsourcing contract with IBM.