Data collected centrally do not identify whether offences (other than drug offences) are drug related. The recorded crime series does include numbers of drug offences which are given as follows.
Force name 1997 Bedfordshire 223 Cambridgeshire 205 Essex 401 Hertfordshire 215 Norfolk 337 Suffolk 333 Note: Prior to April 1998, ‘trafficking in controlled drugs’ was the only drug offence included in the recorded crime series.
1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 Bedfordshire 1,141 1,081 896 1,009 Cambridgeshire 1,166 1,011 829 798 Essex 2,312 2,421 2,208 2,212 Hertfordshire 1,197 1,180 1,438 1,350 Norfolk 1,534 1,561 1,160 1,211 Suffolk 1,581 1,410 1,178 1,292 Note: The introduction of the revised counting rules in April 1998 expanded offence coverage. This included the addition of ‘possession of controlled drugs’ and ‘other drug offences’. These data are not comparable with earlier years.
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Bedfordshire 1,069 1,130 1,131 1,228 Cambridgeshire 904 1,047 1,174 1,442 Essex 2,377 2,295 2,328 2,889 Hertfordshire 1,553 1,678 1,754 2,044 Norfolk 1,392 1,508 1,602 1,821 Suffolk 1,689 1,923 1,974 2,015 Note: Numbers of recorded crime were affected by changes in reporting and recording following the introduction of the National Crime Recording Standard in April 2002. These data are not comparable with earlier years.