The Department for Educational and Skills has collected data for GCSE equivalencies since 2004. Prior to this, only GCSE and GNVQ data was collected at key stage 4. The proportion of pupils in England achieving five plus A*-C at GCSE and equivalent since 2004 is shown in the following table.
Percentage 2004 53.7 2005 56.3 20061 58.5 1Figures for 2006 are revised. All other figures are final.
Figures reporting achievements in GCSE and equivalent qualifications include results in all entry level, level 1 and level 2 qualifications which are approved by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority as appropriate for pupils pre-16. GCE and VCE AS levels are the only level 3 qualifications which have been included. The general range of qualifications, together with the qualification families into which they fall, are as follows:
GCSE (full course)
GCSE (short course)
Entry level 3
Entry level 2
Entry level 1
General Vocational
Applied GCE AS double award
Full GNVQ, Intermediate
Vocational GCSEs
GNVQ Part 1, Intermediate
Full GNVQ, Foundation
GNVQ Part 1, Foundation
NVQ Level 2
NVQ Level 1
Vocationally related
VRQ Level 2 or BTEC First
VRQ Level 1
Key skills
Key skills Level 2
Key Skills Level 1
Basic skills
Basic skills Level 2
Basic skills Level 1
Vocational languages
Intermediate GNVQ language unit
NVQ language unit at Level 2
Foundation GNVQ language unit
NVQ language unit at Level 1
Graded exams
Graded exam (grade 8)
Graded exam (grade 7)
Graded exam (grade 6)
Graded exam (grade 5)
Graded exam (grade 4)
Graded exam (grade 3)
Graded exam (grade 2)
Graded exam (grade1)
Free standing maths
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Other general
Other general qualifications L2
Other general qualifications L1
[holding answer 2 February 2007]: The following table shows the number1 and percentage of 15-year-old pupils2 who achieved five or more A*-C grades at GCSE only including English and maths in each year since 1996.
Number of 15-year-olds achieving 5+A*-C at GCSE only including E and M Percentage of 15-year-olds achieving 5+A*-C at GCSE only including E and M 1996 209,300 35.2 1997 209,100 35.6 1998 212,300 36.9 1999 224,100 38.6 2000 231,600 39.9 2001 244,700 40.6 2002 254,000 41.9 2003 258,300 41.5 2004 271,400 42.2 2005 277,400 43.6 20063 286,900 44.2 1 Numbers are rounded to the nearest 100. 2 Pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year i.e. 31 August. 3 Data for 2006 are revised. Data for all other years are final.