The Department of Trade and Industry is responsible for statistics on construction in Great Britain only. The total value of public and private house building in Great Britain in 1997-2005 was:
Current prices Constant (2000) prices 1997 7,983 9,911 1998 8,430 9,791 1999 8,419 8,884 2000 9,985 9,985 2001 10,234 9,420 2002 12,089 9,933 2003 15,362 11,205 2004 19,447 12,763 2005 21,063 13,072 Note:Data for 2006 will be published on 2 March 2007.
Current prices series is the price prevailing in the relevant year.
Constant (2000) prices series show the change in construction after the effects of inflation have been removed. This information is published in the Construction Statistics Annual 2006, a copy of which is available in the Library of the House.