We are unable to provide this information. Performance is measured in relation to the percentage of applications decided in a specific time periods (currently 20 and 70 working days).
This information is summarised in the following table. It sets out the percentage of charged and non-charged applications decided within these periods:
Turnaround time year to date 2004-05 2005-06 Charged 20 working days 62 65 Charged 70 working days 87 90 Non-charged 20 working days 25 29 Non-charged 70 working days 51 64
Performance for non-charged and charged applications is measured against targets of 20 and 70 working days.
The year-to-date figures for the current financial year (April 2006 to January 2007) are as follows:
48 per cent. of non-charged applications were completed within 20 working days and 80 per cent. were completed within 70 working days.
During the same period 68 per cent. of charged applications were completed within 20 working days and 91 per cent. were completed within 70 working days.