[holding answer 6 February 2007]: The last six months for which figures are currently available are July to December 2005. The information is contained in the table.
The court proceedings database from which these figures are extracted does not contain details as to where these sentences are served. In any case, the establishment to which a person is initially committed may not be the establishment where the greater part of the sentence is served.
July to December 2005 Number of persons sentenced July 236 August 218 September 209 October 177 November 194 December 176 1 Includes cases heard at Crown court centres outside Wales if committed by magistrates courts in Wales. Note: Although care is taken in collating and analysing the returns used to compile these figures, the data are of necessity subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large-scale recording system. Consequently, although figures are shown to the last digit in order to provide a comprehensive record of the information collected, they are not necessarily accurate to the last digit shown. Source: RDS-NOMS, Home Office