The Government’s Skills Strategy was set out in the 2005 White Paper “Skills: Getting on in business, getting on at work” and the 2006 White Paper “Further Education: Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances”. It is designed to reform the supply of skills; to ensure we deliver economically valuable qualifications and skills which will enhance the UK’s productivity and to raise demand for skills from employers and individuals. We have made good progress towards our skills PSA targets. Since the end of 2001, over 1.4 million learners have achieved first “Skills for Life” qualifications and there are 1.6 million more adults in the work force with level 2 or higher qualifications. The number of apprenticeships has risen from 76,000 in 1997 to 256,000 in 2006. Lord Leitch’s final report “Prosperity for all in the global economy—world class skills” (December 2006) gave a clear analysis of the future skills needs of the UK. We have welcomed the report’s ambitions and recommendations, and will publish an implementation plan to take forward this agenda in the context of the comprehensive spending review settlement.