I have been asked to reply.
There are seven schools and 1,300 pupils participating in the school fruit and vegetable scheme in Hendon.
Mainstream school funding is provided through the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) which set local authorities allocations for 2006-07 and 2007-08: it is up to local authorities—in consultation with their School Forums—to distribute the DSG to the schools they maintain.
The allocations for 2007-08 will depend on pupil numbers in schools in January 2007 and the guaranteed unit of funding per pupil set in December 2005. Barnet’s DSG allocation for 2006-07 is £173.792 million or £4,081 per pupil (a 6.6 per cent. increase per pupil). Barnet’s guaranteed unit of funding for 2007-08 is £4,344 (a 6.4 per cent. increase per pupil).
The guaranteed unit of funding per pupil was set in December 2005 to provide authorities with predictability and stability over a multi year period; local authorities were fully consulted as part of this process. I am therefore not planning discussions with individual local authorities on their DSG allocations for 2007-08.
The information requested is as follows:
Percentage of pupils achieving level 5 or above at key stage 3 English 1997 69 2005 84 2006 — Maths 1997 65 2005 81 2006 —
Figures for Hendon for English and mathematics in 2006 are currently unavailable at parliamentary constituency level. When these figures are available they can be found on the DfES statistics website.