The Ministry of Defence has made no estimate of the levels of commercial investment in Scotland resulting from its expenditure.
The latest available estimates for those jobs in industry and commerce in Scotland that are either directly or indirectly reliant on the supply chain created by the MOD are given in the following table. The estimates refer to jobs throughout industry and commerce resulting from MOD equipment and non-equipment expenditure. These are the best estimates available but they are based on a set of assumptions. Some of these assumptions could underestimate the number of jobs, such as excluding employment in subcontractors whose sub contracts originate from MOD contracts elsewhere in the UK.
Equipment Non Equipment Total Direct Employment 6,000 3,000 9,000 Indirect Employment 1,500 1,000 2,500 Total in Supply Chain 7,500 4,000 11,500 Note: Figures rounded to nearest 500 jobs
Aggregate estimates for the UK detailing direct and indirect employment which separate those involved with employment on MOD equipment, MOD non-equipment, and defence exports are also produced by the Defence Analytical Services Agency (DASA) in Table 1.9, UK Defence Statistics 2006 which is available in the Library of the House.