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Medway Maritime Hospital: Surgery

Volume 457: debated on Friday 23 February 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many operations were postponed at Medway Maritime Hospital in (a) 2005-06 and (b) 2006-07. (119806)

The number of operations that are postponed is not collected centrally. An operation that is rescheduled to a time within 24 hours of the original scheduled operation is recorded as a postponement and not as a cancellation. The following table shows the number of operations cancelled at the last minute for non-clinical reasons in the years requested.

Last minute cancelled operations for non-clinical reasons, Medway National Health Service Trust, 2005-06 and 2006-07






Notes: 1. 2006-07 data only covers quarter 1 and quarter 2. Other quarters' data are not yet available. 2. A last minute cancellation is one that occurs on the day the patient was due to arrive, after they have arrived in hospital or on the day of their operation. Source: Department of Health dataset QMCO