[holding answer 1 March 2007]: The daily budget allowance, known as the daily messing rate (DMR), is based on a “basket” of food items, and is calculated on a monthly basis by applying prices obtained from the MOD's food supply contractor to the appropriate ration scale. Current DMRs are shown as follows:
Royal Navy Personnel
The DMR for Royal Navy personnel in port is currently £1.51 (unless on duty watch, when ‘at sea rates’ apply).
The minimum DMR for HM Ships at sea from January to March 2007 is £1.68 per person per day. The DMR is adjusted according to ship's complement, which can raise the total to a maximum of £2.63 per person per day.
The rate for submarines at sea is 37p higher than the ship's rates above, plus a 12 per cent. addition to the relevant DMR when away from base port for more than 24 hours. There are no additions for RN personnel during operations or exercises.
Royal Air Force personnel
DMR at home bases is £1.51.
DMR on operations is £2.49 for OP TELIC and OP HERRICK and £2.63 for OP OCCULUS (Balkans).
Army personnel
DMR in their home posting is £1.51.
DMR on exercise is £2.11.
DMR on operations is £2.49 for OP TELIC and OP HERRICK and £2.63 for OP OCCULUS.
The changeover of food supply contractor on 1 October 2006 resulted in a change in the method of calculating the DMR. Under the previous contractor, the rate included an element for their management fee, while under the current contract, that fee is paid centrally. The effect is that the DMR now appears lower, but it still purchases the same quantity and quality of food product.