(2) pursuant to the Spring Supplementary Estimates 2006-07 (HC293), if he will break down the (a) current and (b) revised request for resources one, two and three provision for each subhead by (i) near cash annual managed expenditure, (ii) non-cash annual managed expenditure, (iii) capital annual managed expenditure, (iv) near cash non-budget and (v) non-cash non-budget.
The current and revised request for resources one, two and three provision for each subhead by (i) near cash Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL), (ii) non-cash DEL, (iii) capital DEL, (iv) near cash annual managed expenditure, (v) non-cash annual managed expenditure, (vi) capital annual managed expenditure, (vii) near cash non-budget and (viii) non-cash non-budget are set out in the following table:
£000 2006-07 TLB/Estimate type Main estimates Winter supplementaries Spring supplementaries Fleet Direct Resource DEL 2,101,506 2,138,670 2,149,341 Indirect Resource DEL 2,096,868 84,096 35 Total Resource DEL 4,198,374 2,222,766 2,149,376 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect -5,718 -5,718 -5,718 Total AME -5,718 -5,718 -5,718 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Fleet 4,192,656 2,217,048 2,143,658 General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland Direct Resource DEL 476,759 399,071 389,586 Indirect Resource DEL 94,615 1,436 20,656 Total Resource DEL 571,374 400,507 410,242 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 0 0 0 Total AME 0 0 0 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland 571,374 400,507 410,242 Commander in Chief Land Command Direct Resource DEL 4,358,352 4,302,643 4,290,561 Indirect Resource DEL 1,360,226 20,320 20,320 Total Resource DEL 5,718,578 4,322,963 4,310,881 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 0 0 0 Total AME 0 0 0 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Commander in Chief Land Command 5,718,578 4,322,963 4,310,881 Air Officer Commanding in Chief RAF Strike Command Direct Resource DEL 1,865,712 1,924,143 1,908,476 Indirect Resource DEL 1,864,028 122,231 1,191 Total Resource DEL 3,729,740 2,046,374 1,909,667 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 0 0 0 Total AME 0 0 0 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Air Officer Commanding in Chief RAF Strike Command 3,729,740 2,046,374 1,909,667 Chief of Joint Operations Direct Resource DEL 383,180 352,839 350,847 Indirect Resource DEL 139,307 6,951 8,144 Total Resource DEL 522,487 359,790 358,991 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect -4,000 -4,000 7,420 Total AME -4,000 -4,000 7,420 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Chief of Joint Operations 518,487 355,790 366,411 Chief of Defence Logistics Direct Resource DEL 4,453,296 4,806,078 4,993,997 Indirect Resource DEL 2,853,825 8,337,939 8,203,988 Total Resource DEL 7,307,121 13,144,017 13,197,985 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 9,910 9,910 176,475 Total AME 9,910 9,910 176,475 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Chief of Defence Logistics 7,317,031 13,153,927 13,374,460 Adjutant General Direct Resource DEL 1,622,465 1,590,549 1,579,085 Indirect Resource DEL 160,459 1,516 -16,592 Total Resource DEL 1,782,924 1,592,065 1,562,493 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 0 0 0 Total AME 0 0 0 Non Budget Direct 9,152 9,152 9,232 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 9,152 9,152 9,232 Total Adjutant General 1,792,076 1,601,217 1,571,725 Chief RAF Personnel and Training Command Direct Resource DEL 765,507 814,092 803,669 Indirect Resource DEL 160,959 45,271 8,509 Total Resource DEL 926,466 859,363 812,178 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 0 0 0 Total AME 0 0 0 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Chief RAF Personnel and Training Command 926,466 859,363 812,178 Central Direct Resource DEL 2,098,460 2,083,419 2,134,639 Indirect Resource DEL 1,219,381 111,459 74,682 Total Resource DEL 3,317,841 2,194,878 2,209,321 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 2,360 2,360 4,402 Total AME 2,360 2,360 4,402 Non Budget Direct 578 578 750 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 578 578 750 Total Central 3,320,779 2,197,816 2,214,473 Defence Estates Direct Resource DEL 902,507 1,092,054 1,115,159 Indirect Resource DEL -751 1,278,430 1,454,309 Total Resource DEL 901,756 2,370,484 2,569,468 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 0 0 0 Total AME 0 0 0 Non Budget Direct 2,700 2,700 3,249 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 2,700 2,700 3,249 Total Defence Estates 904,456 2,373,184 2,572,717 Defence Procurement Agency Direct Resource DEL 1,574,061 1,327,193 1,265,848 Indirect Resource DEL 710,447 549,715 842,122 Total Resource DEL 2,284,508 1,876,908 2,107,970 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 175,505 175,505 27,421 Total AME 175,505 175,505 27,421 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Defence Procurement Agency 2,460,013 2,052,413 2,135,391 Corporate Science and Technology Direct Resource DEL 538,452 529,778 531,651 Indirect Resource DEL -4,252 -4,252 -4,252 Total Resource DEL 534,200 525,526 527,399 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 0 0 0 Total AME 0 0 0 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Corporate and Science and Technology 534,200 525,526 527,399 Total—RfR1 Direct Resource DEL 21,140,257 21,360,529 21,512,859 Indirect Resource DEL 10,655,112 10,555,112 10,613,112 Total Resource DEL 31,795,369 31,915,641 32,125,971 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 178,057 178,057 210,000 Total AME 178,057 178,057 210,000 Non Budget Direct 12,430 12,430 13,231 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 12,430 12,430 13,231 Total MOD RfR1 31,985,856 32,106,128 32,349,202 Conflict Prevention RfR2 Direct Resource DEL 47,326 1,087,326 1,385,526 Indirect Resource DEL 0 0 42,000 Total Resource DEL 47,326 1,087,326 1,427,526 AME Direct 0 0 0 AME Indirect 0 0 0 Total AME 0 0 0 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total Conflict Prevention RfR2 47,326 1,087,326 1,427,526 War Pensions and Benefits RfR3 Direct Resource DEL 0 0 0 Indirect Resource DEL 0 0 0 Total Resource DEL 0 0 0 AME Direct 1,030,599 1,038,304 1,048,304 AME Indirect -648 -643 -643 Total AME 1,029,951 1,037,661 1,047,661 Non Budget Direct 0 0 0 Non Budget Indirect 0 0 0 Total Non Budget 0 0 0 Total War Pensions and Benefits RfR3 1,029,951 1,037,661 1,047,661 MOD Total RfR 33,063,133 34,231,115 34,824,389 Capital DEL (Net) Fleet 33,101 20,768 19,817 General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland 46,664 3,513 3,513 Commander in Chief Land Command 176,762 92,637 78,326 Air Officer Commanding in Chief RAF Strike Command 77,223 42,363 15,233 Chief of Joint Operations 26,721 25,389 10,804 Chief of Defence Logistics 1,027,274 1,512,616 1,230,743 Adjutant General 16,274 8,968 5,436 Chief RAF Personnel and Training Command 35,209 39,617 22,201 Central 65,063 36,302 42,025 Defence Estates 32,213 35,281 111,573 Defence Procurement Agency 5,396,735 5,187,785 5,465,568 Corporate Science and Technology 0 0 0 6,933,239 7,005,239 7,005,239 Hydro -329 -329 -329 DARA -4,840 -4,840 -4,840 ABRO -2,154 -2,154 -2,154 RfR1 Capital DEL 6,925,916 6,997,916 6,997,916 CDEL AME -7,000 -7,000 -7,000 Conflict Prevention RfR2—CDEL 0 360,000 449,000 War Pensions and Benefits RfR3 0 0 0 MOD Total Capital 6,918,916 7,350,916 7,439,916