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Volume 457: debated on Monday 5 March 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what expert advice was received by the Department of Health about the psychological impact of informing people with haemophilia (a) of their increased risk of developing vCJD and (b) that they were considered an at risk group for public health purposes; what steps were taken to ensure that psychological support would be available to those affected; and if she will make a statement. (119895)

The notification exercise by the Health Protection Agency was delivered through the clinicians who treat people with haemophilia and bleeding disorders. These specialist clinicians are the best placed to advise their patients, to counsel them and to present information about risk.

In advance of the notification exercise the United Kingdom haemophilia doctors association, in consultation with the haemophilia patients' association, was asked for and provided its views on the handling of the notification exercise.

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many meetings officials have had with strategic health authority chief executives on the service level agreement applied to the provision of Recombinant Factor VIII to haemophiliacs; and whether the service level agreement has been finalised. (115777)

On 12 February 2003 the Government announced an extra £88 million over three years to extend the availability of recombinant (synthetic) clotting factors for adult haemophiliacs in England. To help extend the availability of recombinant, the Government provided the following additional funding:

£ million







This funding was made available following a long campaign by the haemophilia lobby groups. Funding was available from the programme budget.

The roll-out programme for recombinant began in January 2004, and all haemophilia patients in England are now eligible for treatment with recombinant products.

Funding is now allocated to strategic health authorities through the national health service bundle, and will be managed through a service level agreement.