(2) what the budget was for the Centrally Funded Initiatives and Special Allocations fund in 2005-06; and how much of the budget was spent;
(3) what percentage of the budget for the Centrally Funded Initiatives and Special Allocations fund was allocated to (a) strategic health authorities and (b) primary care trusts in each of the last three years; and what the money was used for.
Tables have been placed in the Library in respect of the centrally funded initiatives services and special allocations programme for years 2002-03 to 2006-07. These include details of:
allocations made to strategic health authorities;
allocations made to primary care trusts (PCTs);
the percentage that the above figures for 2002-03 to 2005-06 represent of the total final programme; and
the major areas of the Department's expenditure with national health service trusts.
Information on Departmental expenditure with general practitioners and private sector companies operating in the health service can be supplied only at disproportionate cost.
Details of expenditure incurred by the Department, including the NHS, from overall resources can be found in the annually published Department of Health resource accounts. From 2004-05 a further breakdown of expenditure by programme budget category is provided.
The budget established for the 2005-06 centrally funded initiatives services and special allocations programme prior to the start of the year was £18,300 million. Total expenditure, including allocations to NHS bodies, was £18,736 million. The increase was funded by adjustments to PCT allocations largely for payments by results, multi-professional education and training and the national specialist commissioning.